Latest Episodes

Women in FinTech: Meet Hayley Caddes and Veibha Subramaniam
Tune into episode 2, Keesa chats with Hayley Caddes and Veibha Subramaniam.Hayley worked as a genetic engineer designing iron-oxidizing bacteria and a bioreactor system...

Measuring Physical And Financial Water Risk: World Water Day Special Episode
Water risks are multi-dimensional. They're not limited to the issue of water scarcity – they're also about water-related hazards, operational efficiency and the connection...

Women in FinTech: Meet Anna Anisin and Rose Punkunus
Welcome to our first episode of our Women in FinTech series, where we celebrate women in STEM and the FinTech Community, meeting female leaders...

What Does Energy Investment Policy Mean For Sustainable Investors?
With so many changes underway, including potential regulatory shifts, investing in the energy sector will continue to evolve. But what is energy investment policy...

ESG In Real Estate: Where Is The Industry Going?
The real estate sector is one of the most impacted by climate change - and it's changing unprecedentedly. We met with Michele Jean Le...

Improving Corporate Sustainability Reporting: SASB and IIRC Merger (+ What It Means)
How is the corporate sustainability reporting system going to evolve? Tune in our interview with Katie Schmitz Eulitt, Director of Investor Outreach at SASB,...